We offer solutions in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and measures against climate change.


General Sustainable Development Policy

Climate Action Policy

Environmental Policy

Sustainability Policy


Energy Transition

The fight against climate change is one of the greatest challenges humanity has to face in the 21st century. We all need to be involved in the transition to a decarbonised economy based on renewable energies. The minimum 32% renewable energy target by 2030, set by the European Parliament and the Council in the Renewable Directive, is an attainable target. This will be possible in a scenario where the economy is highly decarbonised and clean electricity is easy to access.

Generating electricity from renewable sources to create a sustainable and efficient energy framework is essential for decarbonizing energy use. Electricity, when supplied from clean energy sources, is an energy vector that also significantly increases the overall efficiency of the energy system.

Commitment to UN SDGs

Innorma R&D is committed to the transition to a new socio-economic model that is climate neutral, resilient, sustainable and inclusive. With this in mind and in line with its activities, Innorma R&D has set its focus mainly on SDG 7 (affordable and clean energy) and SDH 13 (climate action).

To be carbon neutral in Europe by 2030 and globally by 2050, Innorma R&D is also directly contributing to SDG 9 (industry, innovation and infrastructure) by accelerating research and development in renewable energy, digitalization and electric mobility.

Climate Change

The energy sector plays a key role in meeting the target set by the historic Paris Agreement to keep the global temperature rise well below 2 ºC and to combat the climate emergency.

Innorma R&D is an active follower of SDG 13 (Climate Action) to combat climate change and has activities in full compliance with this international agreement.

Circular Economy & Sustainable Business Model

The circular economy refers to a cultural shift in the way we understand the system of production and consumption to deal with resource shortages, environmental impacts, value creation and employment. This new economic model is presented as a resource use system in which the best waste is considered non-generated and the unavoidable as resources that can be reused and recycled.

Therefore, for Innorma R&D, the circular economy is a key element for sustainable development and represents an opportunity to advance climate action and the energy transition.

Our sustainable energy model depends on innovation as well as the decarbonisation and electrification of the economy. This model is therefore directly compatible with the circular economy by reducing emissions, using renewable resources for production, increasing efficiency, optimising resources and maximising waste recycling. Innorma R&D also conducts research to develop new technologies and solutions for the reuse of waste and promoting responsible consumption in line with environmental awareness.


Respect for the environment is one of our values and is included in our corporate sustainable development policies. Innorma R&D is fully committed to eco-efficiency through sustainable use of natural resources, efficiency in energy production and use, emission reduction, conservation of biodiversity and waste and water management.

Innorma R&D is poised for a sharp growth scenario in the near future in global demand for energy from efficient, clean sources to reduce global emissions and combat climate change.

Sustainable Mobility

As part of its commitment to sustainability and the environment, and as an effective tool in tackling climate change, the company supports the transition to sustainable mobility and the electrification of transport. The goals of this initiative are to reduce emissions, promote energy efficiency, improve quality of life and raise awareness among people.

Electric mobility will promote energy savings through more efficient and cleaner transportation. Public spaces will be smoke-free, freeing us from the pollution associated with gasoline or diesel-fueled transportation. Electric mobility is the future of our planet.